The core hypothesis of this book is that before and during the Trump Presidency there was a criminal conspiracy between Trump and Republicans in Congress. That conspiracy tainted all the judicial appointments made while Trump was President, so those appointments should be undone, if possible. My reason for writing this book is that I haven’t seen the core hypothesis articulated elsewhere. Perhaps it has been so articulated and I simply missed it. I don’t read the news nearly as much as I used to. So there is the possibility that the hypothesis has already had an airing, in which case the book may be redundant. Alternatively, it may be that the assertion of Congressional criminality is something that others can’t fathom. Trump criminality, well we’re seeing this play out in real time. Congressional criminality, however, will never be established in courts of law. That the hypothesis remains more than plausible, I believe, survives in spite of that. The additional reason for...